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Akamai Workforce Initiative (AWI) - 3 briefs

The Akamai Workforce Initiative (AWI) is a program that seeks to develop a skilled local STEM workforce to meet the needs of Hawai'i's growing high-tech industry. AWI began as an internship program launched in 2002 and is the result of a long-term collaboration between the University of California Santa Cruz's Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE), the University of Hawai'i, and local Hawaiian high-tech businesses, observatories, Air Force facilities, and higher education partners. AWI provides courses, mentors, and field-based project opportunities to help local Hawaiian college students advance their high-tech careers. This collaboration of a professional development program for early career scientists and engineers with a local workforce development initiative is a unique design that brings benefits to both the early career scientists and engineers and the undergraduates in training.

There are three Akamai briefs:

The Design and Evolution of the Akamai Workforce Initiative
An External Review by Inverness Research

The UCSC Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators

Contributions of the Akamai Workforce Initiative











































































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